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(* for the corresponding author; # for equal first author)
[J7] Zhang, J., Wang, H., Li, Q., Luximon, Y.* (2024). Can Smart Healthcare Technologies Empower Older Adults to Healthy Aging? An Exploratory Interview Study. Gerontology (accepted on May 27, 2024; IF=3.50; JCR Q3)
[J6] Shi, X., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Luximon, Y.*. The effectiveness of digital interactive intervention on reducing older adults’ depressive and anxiety symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gerontology (accepted on May 15, 2024; IF=3.50; JCR Q3)
[C3] Che, R., Li, J., Wang, H.* (2024). Comparative Analysis of Hand-interaction Modes for Older Adults in Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study on Freehand and Controller-Based Interactions. The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Korea (accepted on April 26, 2024)
[J5] Mao, Q., Zhang, J., Yu, L., Zhao, Y., Luximon, Y., and Wang, H.* (2024). Effectiveness of sensor-based interventions for gait and balance performance in older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 21:85. (IF=5.1; JCR Q1)
[J4] Zhu, Y., Long, Y., Wang, H., Lee, K.P., Wang, S.J.* (2024). Digital behavior change intervention designs for habit formation: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 26:e54375. 10.2196/54375. (IF=7.40; JCR Q1)
[B1] Teh, P.L., Wang, H.*, Phang, C.W., Chan, A.H.S., Butt, H.P. (2024). Important but not for Me: Understanding Older Adults’ Resistance to Gerontechnology. In: Kwok, A.O.J., Teh, PL. (eds) Emerging Technologies in Business (pp.11-45). Springer, Singapore.
[J3] Tao, D., Ren, X., Liu, K., Mao, Q., Cai, J., and Wang, H.* (2024). Effects of color scheme and visual fatigue on visual search under vibration environments. Display. 102667; (IF=4.30; JCR Q1).
[J2] Cao, C., Cao, J., Wang, H., Tsui, K.L., and Li, X.* (2024). Functional adaptive double-sparsity estimator for functional linear regression model with multiple functional covariates. Statistica Sinica. (in press; JCR Q3)
[J1] Wang, X., Cao, J., Zhao, Q., Chen, M., Luo, J., Wang, H., Yu, L., Tsui, K., Zhao, Y.* (2024). Identifying Sensors-based Parameters Associated with Fall Risk in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: An Investigation and Interpretation of Discriminatory Parameters. BMC Geriatrics. 24:125. (IF=4.1; JCR Q1)
[C1] Zhao, Z., Mao, Q., Chak, Y.H., Cheung T., Wang, H.* (2024). Overcoming obstacles: examining user resistance to home-based health monitoring systems among older adults. AHFE 2024. (accepted)
[C1] Mao, Q., Zhao, Z., Yu, L., Wang, H.* (2024). Unveiling the future design of health management systems: an exploratory study on older adults’ perceived usefulness of functional modules. AHFE 2024. (accepted)
[J1] Zhao, Z., Huang, M., Wang, Z., Lyu, S., Wang, H.* (2023). A human-centered design strategy for self-training healthcare service among the blind and visually impaired. The Design Journal. 26(5): 731-752; doi: 10.1080/14606925.2023.2225718.
[C3] Mao, Q., Yu, L., Zhang, J., Wang, H.* (2023). Do Sensor-Based Interventions Differ from Traditional Physical Therapies in Improving Older Adults’ Balance? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 7-13.
[C1] Zhao, Z., Yu, L., Lyu, S., Wang, H.* (2023). Improving Self-management for Long COVID: Using Double Diamond Model to Design A mHealth App. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 2274-2280.
[C1] Mao, Q., Li, Z., Huang, C., Wang, H.* (2023). An exploratory user study on the design of smart walking aids for community-dwelling older adults. In: Jay Kalra (eds) Human Factors in Aging and Special Needs Needs, 88:59-67. AHFE (2023) International Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, July 20-24, 2023;
[J2] Zhang, J., Luximon, Y., Wang, H.* (2022), Effectiveness of exergaming-based interventions for mobility performance in older adults with Parkinson’s disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Age and Ageing. 51 (8): afac175, afac175 (IF=12.782; JCR Q1).
[J1] Fan, X., Wang, H., Zhao, Y.*, Huang, K., Wu, Y., Sun, T.L., and Tsui, K.L. (2022), Automatic fall risk assessment with Siamese network for stroke survivors using inertial sensor-based signals. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 1- 17, doi:10.1002/int.22838 (IF=8.750; JCR Q1).
[C2] Chen, M., Wang, H., Yu, L., Yeung, H.K., Luo, J., and Zhao, Y.* (2022). Latest research trends of wearable sensor-based data modeling for fall risk prediction in community-dwelling elderly. The 15th International FLINS Conference on Machine learning, Multi agent and Cyber physical systems and the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering. Tianjin, China, August 26-28, 2022.
[C1] Zhang, J., Wang, H., Lee, Y.H., Pang, Y.C., and Luximon Y.* (2022). Older adults’ actual use and adoption intention of smart health care technologies in Hong Kong. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Design, Interaction and Technology Acceptance. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13330: pp. 658–669. Springer, Cham. Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022.
[J5] Pan, H., Zhao, Y., Wang, H.*, Li, X., Leung, E., Chen, F., Cabrera, J., Tsui, K.L. (2021). Influencing factors of Barthel index scores among the community-dwelling elderly in Hong Kong: A Random Intercept Model. BMC Geriatric 21, 484 (IF=3.970; JCR Q1).
[J4] Hsu, Y.C., Wang, H., Zhao, Y.*, Chen, F., Tsui, K.L. (2021). Automatic recognition and analysis of balance activity in community-dwelling older adults: Algorithm validation. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(12): e30135 (IF=7.093; JCR Q1).
[J3] Yu, L., Zhao, Y.*, Wang, H., Sun, T-L, Murphy, T.E., and Tsui, K.L. (2021). Assessing elderly’s functional balance and mobility via analyzing data from waist-mounted tri-axial wearable accelerometers in time up and go tests. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1):108 (IF=3.298; JCR Q3).
[J2] Wang, H., Tao, D.*, Cai, J., Qu, X. (2021). Effects of vibration and target size on the use of input devices in pointing and dragging-and-dropping tasks. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 1-15. (IF=1.699; JCR Q3).
[J1] Wang, H., Tao, D.*, and Yan, M. (2021). Effects of text enhancement on reduction of look-alike drug name confusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Quality Management in Healthcare, 30(4):233-243 (IF=1.147; JCR Q4).
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