
School of Design
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hi, welcome to my F.I.T. Design Group~
I'm Hailiang WANG, an Assistant Professor (Presidential Young Scholar) in the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). My research mainly focuses on applying human factors and ergonomics, smart technology (e.g., VR/AR, sensor, AIoT), and big data techniques to design healthcare systems/devices, improve human-technology interactions, and further enhance people’s safety and health.
My professional services include:
General Secretary of The Hong Kong Ergonomics Society, HK
Co-PI, Research Centre for Future (Caring) Mobility, PolyU
Member, The Color, Imaging and Metaverse Research Center, PolyU
Member, Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion, PolyU
Reviewer, internationally renowned journals (e.g., Human Factors, Applied Ergonomics, Ergonomics, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics; International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction; Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journals) and conferences (e.g., CHI, HFES).
· Human Factors and Ergonomics
· Human-Technology Interaction
· Digital Health
· Gerontechnology Design
· Design Intelligence
· Human Psychosocial Behaviors
Research Interests
2024 (selected)
2024.12.14: Dr. WANG presented an invited talk at the “AI+Industrial Design Education Forum” hosted by Future Design School at HIT (Shenzhen)
2024.12.12: Congratulate Jiaan on winning the Best Poster Presentation Award (3rd Prize) at the “International Conference on Gerontechnology 2024”
2024.12.01: Dr. WANG presented an invited talk at the “AI+Industrial Design Education Forum” hosted by SUST
2024.11.30: Dr. WANG presented an invited talk at the “2024 International Conference on Human Factors Engineering and Interaction with AI Systems”
2024.11.14: Congratulate Chi, Cherry, and Yiyang on winning the award in the “Proiect Competition - Designing Safety, Health and Well-being at Work in the Digital Age”
2024.11.13: Congratulate Vicky and Zoe on a paper published by the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JCR Q1)
2024.11.10: Congratulate Jiaan on a conference paper accepted by the Chinese CHI (2024)
2024.11.10: Complete a Sharing Talk for the College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University
2024.11.06: Welcome the WESOFT CEO and his team to visit our F.I.T. design group
2024.10.25-27: Congratulate the F.I.T. team on the success in Shenzhen International Intelligent Elderly Care Industry EXPO (深圳國際智慧養老產業博覽會)
2024.09.12-27: Congratulate the F.I.T. team on the success in the Global Research in Design Innovation Exhibition, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, PolyU
2024.09.28: Welcome the Industry Partners to visit our exhibition and discuss the future collaborations
2024.09.16: Congratulate on a collaborative paper accepted by the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (JCR Q1)
2024.09.02: Welcome Ms. Cherry CHE, Ms. Yiyang ZHANG, Mr. Wenchen GUO, and Mr. Chi DENG to join our F.I.T. Design Group as Ph.D. students.
2024.08.23: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (JCR Q1)
2024.08.22: Congratulate on a collaborative paper accepted by Industrial Engineering Journal (工业工程)
2024.08.22: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JCR Q1)
2024.08.19: Welcome Dr. Dina DING to our F.I.T. Design Group as a Postdoc Fellow
2024.07.01: Congratulate Vicky and Zoe on two conference papers published by the Proceedings of the AHFE (2024) International Conference
2024.06.10: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by Gerontology (JCR Q3)
2024.06.06: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by Gerontology (JCR Q3)
2024.05.28: Congratulate Vicky on a paper published by the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JCR Q1)
2024.05.24: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JCR Q1)
2024.05.15: Congratulate Vicky, Cherry, Zoe, and Jiaan on a paper published by Zhuangshi (装饰)
2024.04.26: Congratulate Cherry and Jiaan on a paper accepted by the 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Korea
2024.03.21: Congratulate the team on securing a Seed Fund (HK$200,000) from the Colour, Imaging, and Metaverse Research Centre (CIMRC), PolyU
2024.03.11: Welcome Professor ZHAO Shengdong (CityU) and his team to PolyU SD
2024.02.06: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by Statistica Sinica (JCR Q2)
2024.02.01: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by BMC Geriatrics (JCR Q2)
2024.02.15: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by Displays (JCR Q1)
2024.01.24: Congratulate the team on securing a Seed Fund (HK$300,000) from the Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion (RCTFF), PolyU
2024.01.02: Welcome Ms. Anna Jiaan LI to our F.I.T. Design Group as a Ph.D. student
2023 (selected)
2023.12.11: Welcome Ms. Cherry CHE to our F.I.T. Design Group as a full-time RA
2023.10.27: FIT team visited TCL Industrial Research Institute (Hong Kong)
2023.10.24: Congratulate Vicky and Zoe on two conference papers published by the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
2023.09.21: Congratulate on a collaborative paper published by Sensors
2023.07.01: Dr. WANG was conferred the title of "Presidential Young Scholar" and "Assistant Professor" by PolyU
2023.06.05: Congratulate Zoe on a paper published by The Design Journal
2023.06.03: Dr. WANG was appointed as the General Secretary of The Hong Kong Ergonomics Society (HKES)
2023.04.04: Congratulate on winning the 3rd Runner-Up in the Co-Creating Learning Shorts Student-Staff Partnership Competition, EDC, PolyU
2023.01.01: Welcome Ms. Zoe ZHAO to our F.I.T. Design Group as a Ph.D. student.
2022 (selected)
2022.12.16: Dr. WANG was awarded the School Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2022 in Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Young Researcher (Individual) of the School of Design, PolyU
2022.09.01: Welcome Ms. Vicky MAO to our F.I.T. Design Group as a Ph.D. student
11 Yuk Choi Rd, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
V713b, Jokey Club Tower